Tombstones '49 "Little" Hearse
From Jase Pence's blog on his acquistion of the hearse Nov. 19, 2011. Once owned by The Tombstones band of Owen Sound, Ontario.

Page 1   This is the only known 1949 Dodge Hearse ever manufactured, built by J.C. Little. Originally from Scotland, John J.C. Little (1888-1971) started his North American career as a coachbuilder at Canada's largest coachbuilder, the O.J. Mitchell Hearse Company of Ingersoll, Ontario. He built his first home-built coach sometime in 1937 and by 1940 had saved up enough money to open his own body shop. From his small shop, which was located in the service bays of an Ingersoll Shell station, Little produced a series of hand-built professional coaches until he closed in the late Fifties. He specialized in modifying regular wheelbase production vehicles into sedan-ambulances and funeral cars.

Found in a small town museum in Ingersoll, Ontario, by the last owner (Bill Steele), the car is currently unrestored. Completely unrestored. It is the ex tour vehicle of the band THE TOMBSTONES of Owen Sound, Ontario.

The Tombstones James Wayner (aka Mr. Blues) - (1947 - 31 March 2007) - Singer, songwriter, drummer and harmonica player - was a member of The Bearcats, Georgia Strait, The Sharks, Sounder and The Tombstones. On his web site, now expired, Wayner said of the Tombstones, "This is the band that started all for me. I went out with my friend Scotty to watch him audition for a band we knew nothing about. We both wanted to be drummers. He got the job and I was depressed because now he had a band and I didn't. We started jamming and I grabbed a microphone and started to sing what I thought was the blues. I never sang before in my life. Well guess what? They decided to have two singers in the band. Wow, my first band and boy was it fun. From there on I never looked back! *wink*. We have had two reunions so far, which were complete sell outs. There wasn't too many places we didn't play in Ontario, Canada. GREAT memories and great times."

For the very brave, see this car on fire and another video, sans pyro (both done by the previous owner of the car).