Unidentified Russel Boats
Fort Frances, ON Canadian Forest Industries January-June 1915. Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries. 16 CANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOODWORKER January 1, 1915 The OPERATING EXPENSE of a Shaw Motor - Headworks or Gasoline Warping Tug IS LESS THAN $10.00 PER DAY. This Includes Full Crew (less log men) Fuel, Oil, Upkeep and Depreciation. IT WILL WARP 2,000,000 FEET OF LOGS or TOW 100 BOOM STICKS.
Manufactured by RUSSEL BROTHERS of Fort Frances, Ont. Not altogether what we say, but what users say: "We have used the Alligator or Warping Tug manufactured by you for the last 7 or 8 years, and consider them indispensable to lumbermen on waters of the French River or similar streams." Will move a bag containing 60,000 logs in calm weather, 30,000 in a head wind.
Send for our latest catalogue. It will pay you better than making them yourself. Lumber of all kinds. Your correspondence solicited. Head Office: Coristine Bldg., MONTREAL The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. With Mills at Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B. C. Harrison River, B. C. Kenora, Ont. Rainy River, Ont. and Banning, Ont. Manufacturers of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash and Doors And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac, Piling etc. The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Limited - Winnipeg, Man. D. C. CAMERON, President and General Manager.