Russel Brothers Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Steelcraft Boat Builders
Canadian List of Shipping 1956. Fleetway [C.198387] registered at St. John's, Nfld.; built at Owen Sound in 1955. 42'4 x 11�5 x 4'8; 17 g.t.; 11 n.t.; 150 hp. Owned by Anglo-Newfoundland development Co. Ltd., Grand Falls Nfld- Canadian List of Shipping 1970: Steel tug Fleetway [C.198387] registered at St. John's, Nfld. Built at Owen Sound in 1955. 42'; 17 g.t. Transport Canada List 2002: Built by Russel-Hipwell Engine Co., Owen Sound, Ont. Transport Canada List 2003: by North Ventures Ltd., St. John's, Nfld.
Bryan Marsh comments (Oct. 18, 2017): "One of the later steel tugs used on Red Indian Lake. This came from one of the Millertown groups I follow. I'm not sure of the name of this tug. If this is the Fleetway II it may still be afloat. It was last owned by a Company called North Ventures limited and still shows up on the Canadian Vessel Registry." ... "It would have been working for Price (Newfoundland) or Abitibi-Price along with Miss Millertown. The original company would have been the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company from 1905-1965. Mill was the pulp and paper mill at Grand Falls Newfoundland, which was located many miles down the Exploits River from Red Indian Lake.
Details for registered vessel FLEETWAY (O.N. 198387)
Year Built 1955
Port of Registry ST. JOHN'S NL
Registry Date 1955-08-01
Certificate Expires 2013-03-31
Vessel Type TUG
Gross Tonnage 17.48
Net Tonnage 10.74
Construction Type CARVEL/FLUSH
Construction Material STEEL
Vessel Length (m)12.92
Vessel Breadth (m)3.51
Vessel Depth (m)1.46
Number of Engines 1
Speed (knots) 10.0
Propulsion Method SINGLE SCREW
Propulsion Power 150
Country CANADA
Address 23 DUNDAS ST.
Country CANADA
Postal Code A1B 1X1
The Fleetway, towing a boom on Red Indian lake, Circa 1980. (Andy Barker) Photo source:
 The tug "Miss Millertown", with Frank Day (Lewisporte) and William Higdon, Millertown. Both the "Miss Millertown" and the "Fleetway II" were constructed by Russel Brothers Ltd., of Owen Sound, Ontario. | |
A. N. D. (Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company) NEWS - LOG November 1962
Towing Operations Vital
Crews Deliver 79,000 Cords, Skill, Judgment Necessary
The towing operations on Red Indian Lake are an important link in the chain of events which sees the Millertown delivery of pulpwood from the upper reaches of the Victoria River to the Mill in Grand Falls.
In the holding grounds at the mouth of the Victoria River, powerful tugs fill keel-booms with approximately 2,000 cords of pulpwood and tow them to the Exploits Dam where the wood is is sluiced and sent on its 30 mile journey to Grand Falls.
Frank Day of Lewisporte was supervising the operation from the bridge of the tug, "Miss Millertown". Also aboard were William Higdon and Ray Rowwell, both of Millertown.
Assisting Frank was the crew of the tug "Fleetway II". Harvey Guy of Lethbridge, Max Hollett of Arnold's Cove and Monty Osmond of Millertown.
A considerable amount of skill and sound judgment is required to operate the large tugs and to manoeuvre the booms on the wide windblown stretch of Red Indian Lake.
Despite a greater than normal share of adverse winds, the towing crew delivered 79,000 cords of pulpwood on schedule.
Both tugs were built at the yards of Russel Brothers Ltd. at Owen Sound. They are of steel construction. The "Fleetway II" measured 42 feet by 11.5 feet and is powered by a 150 horsepower Caterpillar Marine Diesel. The "Miss Millertown", 40 feet by 11.0 feet, is powered by a 120 h.p. Caterpillar Marine Diesel.
clipping source:
Unidentified warping tug at left, with the Fleetway behind the fire patrol boat Mary March at right, hauled up at Millertown.
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For more Russel exhibits visit Owen Sound Marine & Rail Museum 1165 1st Ave West, Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K8 (519) 371-3333 |