| "The World's Most Extreme Escape Artist!" - Ripley's Believe it or Not! in the internationally distributed Ripleys hardcover book, Expect the Unexpected! |
 | "Houdini who?" "Steve Santini takes getting out of tight places to new levels!" - Chill Magazine; official magazine of Canada's "Beer Store" chain.
 | "All of the people who witnessed this spectacular feat, myself included, did not believe it would be possible. However, apparently, nothing is impossible for Mr. Santini!" - Jean Pierre Pastori director of the Swiss National Heritage Site Castle Chillon commenting on Santini's escape from the medieval dungeon of the castle. |
 | "There is a man in Canada who is taking the art of escapology to superhuman new heights!" - Stan Lee, legendary comic book illustrator and creator of "X Men" and "The Fantastic Four." |
 | "You are amazing!" - Much Music's "Much on Demand" veejay upon witnessing Santini free himself from certain death a mere half inch away from a running, razor sharp chainsaw.
 | "Santini is a professional and savvy performer/producer with a keen understanding of what it takes to excite and please an audience" - Dan Hughes, Supervising producer, Canada's New Years Bash 2005 where Santini presented a thrilling death defying escape before a live audience of 35,000 people.