Preparation for Laser Surgery
First off, there are several different procedures for reducing myopia and astigmatism, but the most common is PRK.
Here is an explanation of different types of refractive surgery.
The first step in getting rid of your nearsightedness
and astigmatism is to have a full eye exam
at your Optometrist's office. Not everyone is a good candidate
for this procedure and you must have realistic expectations for
the outcome.
Before considering Laser surgery you must:
- be at least 18 years of age or older
- have stable vision for a year prior to the procedure
- be free of certain diseases of the cornea and retina
- be in good general health
Not everyone who has this done will get 20/20
uncorrected vision after the procedure, but we can guarantee that
your uncorrected vision will be very much better than pre-surgery.
There is also a minute chance that your best corrected
vision may not be quite as good afterwards, although this is becoming
much less common. It is true that anyone who has had this
done will tell you how great it is not to have to rely on glasses
or contacts anymore. If you would like to hear first hand experience - see my account of my own experience with PRK.
The excimer laser is
an incredibly precise tool. The picture above shows a human hair
sculpted by excimer. Each pulse of the ultra-violet beam can remove
39 millionths of an inch of tissue in 12 billionths of a second!
Guided by computer, the laser vaporizes corneal tissue, and within
30 seconds has reshaped the front surface of your eye.
Once you have had a full eye exam, I will set up an appointment
for you at the surgery center to map your corneal topography
(the shape of the front of the eye). This makes it possible
for the computer that controls the laser to know how much to reshape
your eyes. You can then set up a convenient time to have the actual
procedure done. Usually this would be the same day, and both eyes are done at the same time.
After that, follow up care will be provided by your Optometrist.
We see you at 1,2,3 days, 10 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and
1 year post-operatively (more if necessary) to advise about medication
dosages, monitor for infection, and manage any problems should they arise. OHIP does not cover these visits, and our charge is $800.00
for this service. Progress reports
will be sent to the surgeon and we do have direct access should
the need for consultation arise. The fee for the surgery depends
on the type of refractive surgery and location, and is paid by
you directly to the surgery center (this is typically $2000-$2400
per eye). All of your post-op medications should be included in
this fee.