Everybody always asks: "Why do we put those drops in the eyes?" Well, here's the answer!Here's what I usually tell my patients: "I recommend that you return to our office for a more comprehensive exam. I will put in drops to enlarge your pupils to allow a better view of the eye's interior. While your eyes are dilating, you'll do a computerized test of your side vision. The drops will make you a little blurry and light sensitive for about 1 hour, but it won't likely be bad enough to stop you driving home right away after the exam. The total time it takes is about 1/2 hour." The interior of the eye is the only spot in the body where the circulation can be viewed directly, so systemic disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol and glaucoma can sometimes be detected first during an eye exam. In our office, this is done as a matter of course on any new patients over age 18, and it should be done every several years on everyone over 18 even if health and sight is fine. Sunglasses should be brought along when you come for this. You can wear your contacts as well, but we'll have you take them out before the drops are instilled in your eyes. Generally, you will not need a driver, but some people will have to wait a bit before hitting the road.
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